Willie Whopper is an animated cartoon character created by American animator Ub Iwerks. The Whopper series was the second from the Iwerks studio to be produced by Pat Powers and distributed through Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. 14 shorts were produced in 1933 to 1934.
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "The Air Race" (1933)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Play Ball" (1933)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Spite Flight" (1933)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Stratos Fear" (1933)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Davy Jones' Locker" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Hell's Fire" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Robin Hood, Jr." (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Insultin' The Sultan" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Reducing Creme" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Rasslin' Round" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "Jungle Jitters" (1934)
Willie Whopper | Commentary: "The Good Scout" (1934)