Felix the Cat is a funny-animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. An anthropomorphic black cat with white eyes, a black body, and a giant grin, he is one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history.
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Astronomeous" (1928)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix In Fairyland" (1923)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Oceantics" (1930)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Forty Winks" (1930)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix The Cat Busts A Bubble" (1926)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix Monkeys With Magic" (1925)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Skulls and Sculls" (1930)
Felix The Cat (1936) | Commentary: "The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg"
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "The Non Stop Fright" (1927)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Outdoor Indore" (1928)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix Lends A Hand" (1922)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "One Good Turn" (1929)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix Saves The Day" (1922)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Felix Win's Out" (1925)
Felix The Cat | Commentary: "Two Lip Time" (1926)