Bimbo is a tubby, black and white cartoon pup created by Fleischer Studios. He is most well known for his role in the Betty Boop cartoon series, where he featured as Betty’s main love interest. A precursor design of Bimbo, originally named Fitz, first appeared in the Out of the Inkwell series.
Bimbo | Commentary: "Mysterious Mose" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: " Up To Mars" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Bimbo's Initiation" (1931)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Hot Dog" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Dizzy Dishes" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Fire Bugs" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Swing You Sinners!" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Grand Uproar" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Sky Scraping" (1930)
Bimbo | SING ALONG: "I'm Afraid To Go Home In The Dark" (1930)
Bimbo | SING ALONG: "A Prisoner's Song" (1930)
Bimbo | Commentary: "Teacher's Pet" (1931)
Bimbo | SING ALONG: "Please Go 'Way and Let Me Sleep" (1931)
Bimbo | SING ALONG: "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain" (1931)
Bimbo | SING ALONG: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" (1931)